The role of microbial fertilizers in vegetables and soils

2022/05/26 10:19

There are many kinds of fertilizer for growing vegetables, and the methods of fertilization are also different. Correctly grasping these key points will greatly help the growth of vegetables and the improvement of later yields, and will also play a certain role in helping the healthy development of agriculture. In particular, the correct application of microbial bacterial fertilizer has a good effect on improving the quality and yield of vegetables.


Commonly used chemical fertilizers in vegetable planting include nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, trace element fertilizer; commonly used organic fertilizer include farm fertilizer, cake fertilizer, compost, etc.; microbial fertilizer These fertilizers have different effects and effects, and play different but very important roles in different periods.

Soil long-term cultivation leads to soil hardening, alkalinization and soil harmful bacteria increase and beneficial bacteria decrease, soil diseases are frequent, underground pest threat is serious, the application of microbial fertilizer can effectively improve the above soil problems, beneficial bacteria themselves can play the role of loose soil, in reproduction, metabolism at the same time secretion of a large number of antibacterial substances, effectively inhibit the occurrence of common soil diseases, increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the soil, restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the soil.

The fertilizer used in vegetable planting should also be selected according to their actual situation, grasp the main points of applying fertilizer and microbial fertilizer, and carefully plant and maintain it to produce higher-yielding, high-quality vegetable crops.

Although microbial bacterial fertilizer is not as large as traditional fertilizers, the scope of use is wide, although the current promotion and popularity are relatively small, but with its powerful efficacy, it will become more and more popular, and will gradually be applied to agricultural production.