About the application of microbial bacterial fertilizer in flowers

2022/05/26 10:00

The application effect of microbial bacterial fertilizer in flower fertilizer is good and the effect is fast. It is a fertilizer that is very suitable for soil cultivation of flowers and plants. These effects are mainly derived from a large number of active microbial beneficial bacteria. These active bacteria will be used in the soil, where they will begin to grow, multiply and metabolize rapidly after watering. It is these processes that secrete growth regulators, nutrients and bacteriostatic substances, as well as elements such as phosphorus and potassium that are fixed in the soil for a long time. These substances can not only provide a large amount of nutrients for plant growth, but also significantly improve the drought resistance, lodging resistance and survival rate of plants.


Microbial fertilizer is a biological agent applied in agriculture that can improve the quality of cultivated land, reduce soil hardening, promote crop growth, and improve crop yield and quality. It has the characteristics of safety, efficiency and environmental protection. Due to the powerful action of the fungal agent, it is also gradually applied to flower fertilizers.

These bacteria can also form a biological barrier in the root of the plant, by a large number of microbial barriers can not only effectively resist the invasion of soil diseases, bacteria in the reproduction, metabolism process will occupy the living space and nutrition of harmful bacteria, but also secrete bacteriostatic inhibition of the reproduction of harmful bacteria, significantly reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the soil, improve the soil microbial environment.