Fetal bovine serum is a trait with a light yellow appearance and clear, no hemolysis, no foreign body slightly mucus. Fetal bovine serum should be taken from caesarean sectioned cattle; new bovine serum from new cattle within 24 hours of birth; calf serum from calves 10-30 days after birth. Fetal
2022/05/26 10:50
Fetal bovine serum is a natural medium commonly used in laboratories. It is rich in various nutrients, but it is also easy to carry the virus due to viral infections in cattle, which brings potential interference to cell culture. Therefore, we must not only ensure that the source of pregnant women
2022/05/26 10:38
Maybe ordinary people have not yet participated in scientific research and have not understood some of the current product development, so they do not understand some new products. Fetal bovine serum is currently a more popular product, with high quality characteristics, the harm to the body is
2022/05/26 10:34
There are many kinds of fertilizer for growing vegetables, and the methods of fertilization are also different. Correctly grasping these key points will greatly help the growth of vegetables and the improvement of later yields, and will also play a certain role in helping the healthy development of
2022/05/26 10:19
Microbial agent is a new type of fertilizer. Proper use can improve the yield of agricultural products, improve the quality of agricultural products, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers used, reduce costs, improve soil, and protect the ecological environment. So, do you know the role of
2022/03/31 12:18