How should microbial agents be used to achieve good results?

2022/03/31 12:18

Microbial agent is a new type of fertilizer. Proper use can improve the yield of agricultural products, improve the quality of agricultural products, reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers used, reduce costs, improve soil, and protect the ecological environment. So, do you know the role of microbial agents? How to use microbial agents? Let's see.

How to use good microbial agents?

1. Microbial agents are usually used in the early morning or on cloudy days. Bacillus in microbial agents cannot be directly exposed to sunlight, which will affect their reproduction. Metabolism and other activities, even deactivation, need to be avoided in hot and hot weather.


2. Microbial agents have strict requirements for soil conditions, such as soil moisture content, organic matter content and pH value will affect its role. General bacteria are suitable for survival in soil with a moisture content of 60%-70%, and should be watered immediately after application. The mixture of bacterial and organic fertilizers can significantly increase the amount of organic matter in the soil.

3. Microbial agents should not be placed for a long time, should be purchased at any time; before use should be stored in a cool, dry, ventilated place, to avoid heat, humidity, direct sunlight; fertilizer opening should be used up at once, otherwise it will lead to other bacteria entering, contaminating the bacteria in the fertilizer.

4. Microbial agents should not be used together with substances that can kill beneficial bacteria. Since bacteria contain a large number of beneficial live bacteria, it is strictly forbidden to mix with fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, sulfur fertilizers (such as potassium sulfate, etc.) and straw ash. Because the substances in these pesticides or fertilizers can easily lead to the inactivation of bacteria, causing them to lose their effect. If needed, it should be used after 48 hours of intervals.