Do you know what to pay attention to when using microbial fertilizers?

2022/01/12 17:40

First, the selection of qualified quality, can not be used after expiration. Microbial fertilizers need to be kept at low temperatures (suitable temperature is 4 to 10 °C), cool, ventilated, protected from light, to avoid failure. Some bacteria require a specific temperature range. For example, Trichoderma Harz needs to be kept in an incubator at 2-8 °C for a validity period of one year. However, some bacillus should depend on the quality of production, depending mainly on the level of the spores. If the sporeization rate is high, it can be stored for a year and a half or even longer. If the spore is not good, it will fail in less than half a year. Therefore, vegetable farmers should be careful in choosing bacterial fertilizer products.


Can not covet cheap choice of expired products, such biological bacteria content is very small, lost the effect, generally more than two years of biological fertilizer should be carefully selected.

Second, according to the characteristics of the strain, choose the method of use

It is recommended that when you use biological bacterial fertilizer, the methods that can be used for basic application are: sprinkling, furrowing, and burrowing, and you can also sprinkle a part, and the remaining part can be applied to the acupuncture effect better.

It is not recommended to apply biological bacterial fertilizer, which is not good, but it can be irrigated with roots, mainly for liquid biological bacterial fertilizer.

Minimize microbial deaths.

During application, direct sunlight should be avoided; when dipping the root, add an appropriate amount of water to completely adsorb the root system. After dipping the roots, they should be planted in time. Cover the soil and should not use pesticides. Mixed application of chemical fertilizers. Especially now, many vegetable farmers use pesticides to irrigate roots to prevent and control rhizome diseases such as carbendazim, xenophores, copper sulfate, fungi and bacteria, but they can also kill the beneficial bacteria in the bacterial fertilizer. Therefore, it is recommended not to use pesticides to irrigate the root system after using bacterial fertilizer.

Fourth, provide a good breeding environment for biological bacteria.

Only after a large number of reproduction, the scale is formed in the soil, and the strains in the bacterial fertilizer can effectively reflect the function of the bacterial fertilizer. In order for the strains to multiply as quickly as possible, it is necessary to provide them with a suitable environment.

1. Appropriate pH. In general, bacterial fertilizers applied directly to acidic soils are less effective. For example, silicate bacteria need to survive in PH7-8 soils, so lime and plant ash should be used to enhance microbial activity.

2. Microbial growth requires enough water, but too much moisture will lead to poor ventilation, affecting the activity of good gas microorganisms. Therefore, care needs to be paid to timely drainage and irrigation to maintain proper moisture in the soil.

3. Most of the microorganisms in biological fertilizers are good, such as rhizobium, auto-nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus bacteria, etc. Therefore, soil improvement and proper tillage are needed to keep the soil loose and well ventilated.

Fifth, the use of biological bacterial fertilizer needs to put in enough organic fertilizer.

Organic matter is the main source of energy for microorganisms, and the decomposition of organic matter can also provide nutrients for microorganisms. Therefore, the application of biological fertilizer needs to be combined with the application of organic fertilizer, so vegetable farmers should be applied together with organic fertilizers such as fertilizers when using fungal fertilizers, which can not only accelerate the decomposition of organic fertilizers, but also promote the formation of microflora and provide the fertilizer effect of fungal fertilizers. Therefore, sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements need to be provided. For example, in the early stages of legume crop growth, it is necessary to provide an appropriate amount of nitrogen to promote crop growth and the development of nodules and increase nitrogen fixation; phosphate fertilizer can play the role of phosphorus and nitrogen; an appropriate amount of potassium and calcium nutrition is conducive to the proliferation of microorganisms; molybdenum is an important element of rhizoster synthesis nitrogenase, molybdenum fertilizer and nodule fertilizer can significantly improve nitrogen fixation efficiency.

Sixth, biological bacteria should not be shared with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other large numbers of element fertilizers.

Biological bacteria are suitable for sharing with organic matter, but are shared with compound fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can kill some microbial bacteria and reduce fertilizer efficiency.