The role of improving soil microbial bacterial fertilizer is irreplaceable

2022/05/26 11:13

Crops have root problems due to soil stubble. In severe cases, it can also cause plant blight, leaf blight, viral diseases and other hazards. Therefore, the issue of stubble land has always been a very important issue. The improvement effect of microbial bacterial fertilizer on heavy stubble soil is obvious, and its role is irreplaceable. Let's take a quick look.

Due to improper fertilization of continuous cropping all year round, a large number of trace elements in the soil are unbalanced and the lack of vegetarians is serious, which directly leads to low crop yields. The soil contains harmful fungi, bacteria, nematodes and viruses. They grow in the soil. When the conditions are right, they multiply in large numbers and become infected from the roots or stems. Due to the harm of fungi, root diseases are very serious in the process of vegetable cultivation.


Root-knot nematodes generally live within 5 to 30 cm in the soil, generally can survive for 1 to 3 years, suitable for 25 ~ 30 °C survival temperature. Adult eggs including adults and residues remain in the soil for overwintering, and the larvae and adults hatched by the overwintering eggs invade by the roots, circulating repeated infections. Therefore, water is the main way to spread disease plants.

Due to the improper application of chemical fertilizers throughout the year, soil acidification and alkalinization, serious hardening, lack of calcium, magnesium, boron and other elements, resulting in bacterial diseases such as root rot and green wilt; due to the large amount of chemical fertilizers, shallow tillage layers, underdeveloped root systems, stiff leaves, short plants, low yields, and many diseases.

In fact, there is a need to learn to use bio-fertilizers to prevent and control soil stubble. Scientific collocation can better play the role of biological bacterial fertilizer in improving soil stubble, increase the ecological organic fertilizer due to organic matter can promote soil particle structure, keep soil particle structure not reduced, and improve fertilizer utilization rate.

Pay attention to the application of microbial fertilizers. The treated soil should be replenished with beneficial microorganisms in time. When ploughing, biological bacterial fertilizer is applied per mu to improve the soil microbial environment; when ploughing, it can be applied in the hole, nourished roots, and improved resistance.