The role of microbial fertilizer

2022/11/17 14:01

We usually refer to "microbial fertilizer" as "bacterial fertilizer". From the name, we can see that microbial fertilizer is divided into two aspects: "bacteria" and "fertilizer". Among them, "bacteria" refers to microbial fertilizer. And "fertilizer" refers to fertilizer. The combination of the two can effectively improve soil problems and supplement the nutrients needed by crops.

 To understand the role of microbial fertilizers, we must first understand the composition of soil: soil is composed of organic matter, minerals and microorganisms, and microorganisms are divided into harmful bacteria and beneficial bacteria. If there are too many harmful bacteria in the soil, various soil-borne diseases such as gray mold, powdery mildew, root-knot nematode, etc. will be produced. At this time, microbial fertilizers are needed to condition the soil.

The role of microbial fertilizer:

The main function of microbial fertilizer is to improve soil activity and supplement crop nutrients, which are manifested in four aspects:

1. Improve soil activity. The beneficial bacteria in microbial fertilizers can effectively target harmful bacteria in the soil, inhibit the growth of pathogens, and reduce the occurrence of crop diseases.

2. Provide the nutrients needed by the crops. In addition to the bacterial agents, there are enough nutrients in the microbial fertilizers, which can supply the roots of the crops in time to ensure the healthy growth of the crops.

3. Improve fertilization efficiency, enhance the soil activity of microbial fertilizers, grow roots, improve the absorption rate of fertilizers, and achieve the effect of low fertilization efficiency.

4. Improve the growing environment of crops. Rich organic matter can also improve the physical properties of the soil, increase the soil particle structure, loosen the soil, reduce soil hardening, help protect water, fertilizer, ventilation, promote root development, and provide suitable microbes for crops. ecological growth environment.
