Application of microbial bacterial fertilizer in greenhouses

2022/05/26 10:24

In winter, we need to do a good job of insulation of greenhouse crops to improve their cold resistance and enable them to survive the winter safely. In addition to the commonly used addition of supplemental lamps, covering plastic films, no drip films, etc., it can also resist the cold by enhancing the cold tolerance of the crop itself. This uses bacterial fertilizer products because there are beneficial microorganisms that can play a lot of roles in the soil and can strengthen the root system so that the roots can absorb more nutrients and make the crop stronger, thus naturally improving the cold tolerance of the crop itself.


Greenhouse crops can be fertilized with microbial bacterial fertilizer, which can play a good role, overwinter safely, improve crop hardiness, promote growth and development, and flowering and fruit can play a good role. It does not cause any harm to crops, the environment and greenhouse soils.

Microorganisms can also break down and release some fixed nutrients in the soil that can be absorbed by crops. In addition, microbial bacterial fertilizer can not only release nutrients, but also decompose and transform some harmful substances in the soil, which can significantly reduce soil pollution and improve the soil environment. A good soil environment can better promote the growth and yield of crops.

Microbial bacterial fertilizer has a good effect when applied in greenhouse crops. However, we must also pay attention to some application points and apply according to the correct method, so as to ensure the normal and efficient play of its efficacy, and to promote the increase of crop yield and quality.