Do you know how to use microbial fertilizer when growing vegetables?

2022/05/26 10:28

Microbial bacterial fertilizer is a new type of fertilizer, and the price fluctuation is not large. Now the weather is getting colder, which is also a testament to the arrival of winter fertilizer storage. However, the price of fertilizers this year is very volatile. Some prices have risen sharply, some have fallen, but some prices have remained at relatively stable prices, with no price increases or price reductions.

Microbial fertilizer, because this is a relatively new fertilizer, many people do not understand fertilizer, which makes it have certain limitations, resulting in its lack of large-scale promotion in the market, microbial fertilizer production process is complex, high production costs, so the price is relatively high, due to the small purchase of consumers, basically will not affect its price changes.


There are many kinds of fertilizers for growing vegetables, and microbial bacterial fertilizers are one of them. And the method of fertilization is also different. Correctly grasping these key points will be of great help to the growth of vegetables and the improvement of later yields, and will also be of certain help to the healthy development of agriculture.

There are three fertilization methods, such as vegetable fertilization, bottom fertilizer, topdressing and foliar fertilizer. Bottom fertilizer is an important fertilizer because it accounts for about 60% of the total demand for vegetable fertilizers, and the fertilizer suitable for bottom fertilizer is organic fertilizer. Pay attention to the application of completely decomposed organic fertilizer, otherwise it will cause a series of hazards such as pests and diseases. Rapid fertilizer, compound fertilizer or leaf rainbow era microbial agent is generally used for topdressing, which can promote the growth and development of vegetables, enhance the strength and strength of vegetable rhizomes, and enhance the ability to resist lodging.

Vegetable planting fertilizer, the application of microbial bacterial fertilizer, but also according to their own actual situation to choose, master the main points of fertilizer application, careful care, the production of higher yield, high-quality vegetable crops.