DMEM High Glucose

DMEM High Glouse Swiss imported media

DMEM medium is a BME modified medium with four times the amino acid and vitamin content of BME culture. DMEM medium contains non-essential amino acids and specific essential trace elements, and the concentration of sodium bicarbonate is also increased.

The standard formulation DMEM medium has a glucose content of 1000 mg/L and a high-sugar DMEM medium of 4500 mg/L. DMEM was used early on to culture murine embryonic cells.

TODAY DMEM media is widely used for serum-free culture of plain and transformed mouse and chicken cells

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DMEM High Glouse Swiss imported media

DMEM medium is a BME modified medium with four times the amino acid and vitamin content of BME culture. DMEM medium contains non-essential amino acids and specific essential trace elements, and the concentration of sodium bicarbonate is also increased.

DMEM High Glucose

The standard formulation DMEM medium has a glucose content of 1000 mg/L and a high-sugar DMEM medium of 4500 mg/L. DMEM was used early on to culture murine embryonic cells.

TODAY DMEM media is widely used for serum-free culture of plain and transformed mouse and chicken cells
