No. 1 bio-organic fertilizer

Bio-organic fertilizer is a kind of special organic fertilizer with microorganisms and various residues as raw materials, after the fermentation and maturation of various organic precipitates, the formation of microbial fertilizer effect and organic fertilizer function, in recent years has been widely used. Bio-organic fertilizers can effectively protect and improve the soil, and the principle is to comprehensively repair soil microorganisms.

The role of bio-organic fertilizers:

Bio-organic fertilizer mainly relies on its rich microbial population to repair the soil, compared with traditional agricultural fertilizers, bio-organic fertilizers have quite a lot of nutrients, which can be targeted to improve the land through scientific proportions and matching.

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Product Details

Zhongjin No. 1 bio-organic fertilizer is a special organic fertilizer with microorganisms and various residues as raw materials, after the fermentation and maturation of various organic precipitates, the formation of microbial fertilizer effect and organic fertilizer function, in recent years has been widely used. Bio-organic fertilizers can effectively protect and improve the soil, and the principle is to comprehensively repair soil microorganisms.

The role of bio-organic fertilizers:

Bio-organic fertilizer mainly relies on its rich microbial population to repair the soil, compared with traditional agricultural fertilizers, bio-organic fertilizers have quite a lot of nutrients, which can be targeted to improve the land through scientific proportions and matching.


Land with long-term use of bio-organic fertilizers can be widely grown with cash crops such as fruits and vegetables. Fertile land can promote the growth of crops, accelerate the growth of crops, and increase the yield of crops, so it is widely favored by farmers.

Why bio-organic fertilizers improve soil

The microbiota in bio-organic fertilizer can coexist with the original microorganisms in the soil to form a stronger microbial community, which can effectively resist the invasion of harmful microorganisms and ensure the long-term survival of beneficial microorganisms, thereby increasing their metabolism, so that metabolites can be used as nutrients, effectively absorbed by crops, promote crop growth, and effectively slow down the rate of soil hardening.
