No. 0 bio-organic fertilizer

Bio-organic fertilizer nutrient release is slow, nitrogen is mostly supplied to plants in the form of ammonium root ions or amino acids, without consuming a lot of energy after entering plant cells, directly involved in the synthesis of plant cell matter, so after the use of bio-organic fertilizer, plants grow fast, accumulate more ingredients and dry matter, and the quality of agricultural products is good.

The use of bio-organic fertilizers not only replenishes the organic fertilizers that are consumed, but also continuously increases the organic matter content of the soil. After the decomposition of microorganisms, organic matter can be reduced into new humus, combined with other substances in the soil, forming an organic and inorganic complex, promoting the formation of micro-agglomerate structure in the soil, so as to coordinate the contradictions of water, fertilizer, gas and heat in the soil, improve the soil structure, make the soil loose, and improve the tillability.

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Product Details

Organic fertilizers can improve the soil. At present, the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is high, the soil hardening is serious, the organic matter content is decreasing, the amount of chemical fertilizer is increased, and the protection function of soil fertilizer is weakened, resulting in an imbalance in the proportion of input and output. In order to increase the yield and quality of agricultural products, it is necessary to improve the ecological environment of the soil (temperature, light, water, aquaculture, natural gas, etc.) and change the living environment of crops to see practical results.

The role of bio-organic fertilizers

(1) Increase crop yield and improve crop quality.

Bio-organic fertilizer nutrient release is slow, nitrogen is mostly supplied to plants in the form of ammonium root ions or amino acids, without consuming a lot of energy after entering plant cells, directly involved in the synthesis of plant cell matter, so after the use of bio-organic fertilizer, plants grow fast, accumulate more ingredients and dry matter, and the quality of agricultural products is good.


(2) Improve soil fertility and improve soil physicochemical traits.

The use of bio-organic fertilizers not only replenishes the organic fertilizers that are consumed, but also continuously increases the organic matter content of the soil. After the decomposition of microorganisms, organic matter can be reduced into new humus, combined with other substances in the soil, forming an organic and inorganic complex, promoting the formation of micro-agglomerate structure in the soil, so as to coordinate the contradictions of water, fertilizer, gas and heat in the soil, improve the soil structure, make the soil loose, and improve the tillability.

(3) Regulate the microflora and improve the soil micro-ecosystem.

Decomposed organic fertilizer contains yeast, lactic acid bacteria, cellulose decomposition bacteria and other beneficial microorganisms, and the addition of functional bacteria of bio-organic fertilizer also contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria, silicate bacteria, phosphorus-soluble bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria and pseudomonas and other beneficial bacteria, these microorganisms in addition to the ability to produce a large number of active substances, but also has the ability to fix nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium solution, some also have the ability to inhibit plant root pathogens, some have the ability to improve the soil microecological environment. In addition, after bio-organic fertilizer is applied to the soil, it can regulate the fauna composition of microorganisms in the soil, so that the micro-ecosystem structure in the soil can be beneficially changed.
