Large element water-soluble fertilizer high phosphorus type

Irrigation and fertilization, including irrigation, drip irrigation and other irrigation methods, not only save water, but also save fertilization, and plants absorb it quickly. In foliar fertilization, the fertilizer is diluted and dissolved in water and sprayed on the leaf surface, or dissolved in water and sprayed evenly on the leaf surface, and enters the plant through the leaf openings. The plant can absorb nutrients through the leaves, which greatly improves the absorption and utilization efficiency of fertilizer.

Agricultural products harvested using a large number of elemental water-soluble fertilizers greatly reduce pesticide residues and ensure green and safe consumption. In addition, the content of beneficial ingredients such as protein, sugar, amino acids, and vitamins in crops has significantly increased, the grains are plump and smooth, and the colors of vegetables and fruits are bright. It can also reduce the accumulation of cigarette nitrates and improve the safety of agricultural products.

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Product Details

Macroelement water-soluble fertilizer is a multi-element fully water-soluble fertilizer that can be completely dissolved in water. It can be quickly dissolved in water and is more easily absorbed by crops. Its absorption and utilization rate is relatively high, the comprehensive nutritional dosage is small, and the effect is quick. It is used for liquid or solid fertilizers such as irrigation fertilization, foliar fertilization, soilless cultivation, root soaking, etc.


Irrigation and fertilization, including irrigation, drip irrigation and other irrigation methods, not only save water, but also save fertilization, and plants absorb it quickly. In foliar fertilization, the fertilizer is diluted and dissolved in water and sprayed on the leaf surface, or dissolved in water and sprayed evenly on the leaf surface, and enters the plant through the leaf openings. The plant can absorb nutrients through the leaves, which greatly improves the absorption and utilization efficiency of fertilizer.

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Agricultural products harvested using a large number of elemental water-soluble fertilizers greatly reduce pesticide residues and ensure green and safe consumption. In addition, the content of beneficial ingredients such as protein, sugar, amino acids, and vitamins in crops is significantly increased, the particles are plump and smooth, and the colors of vegetables and fruits are bright. It can also reduce the accumulation of cigarette nitrates and improve the safety of agricultural products.
