Balanced macroelement water-soluble fertilizer

1. Promote germination, accelerate the growth of tea trees, fruit trees, vegetables and other crops, increase flower buds, promote germination, shorten the picking cycle, increase yield and improve quality. Melons, beans, sugar cane, mulberry trees, saplings, fruit seedlings and climbing crops grow faster.

2. Green leaves strengthen branches and protect flowers and fruits. After use, the leaves turn tender green and the leaves are thick and bright. Spraying fruit trees, melons, beans and other crops before and after flowering can also prevent flower and fruit drop. It has significant flower and fruit preservation effect, and is also one of the main functions of large-element water-soluble fertilizers.

3. Large fruits, heavy grains, early maturing, high-yielding fruit trees, melons, beans and other crops.

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Product Details

Mass elemental water-soluble fertilizers are liquid or solid products intended for use in water-soluble or dilute applications for irrigation and fertilization, foliar fertilization, soilless cultivation, dipping and root dipping. However, the standard does not have a precise definition of bulk elemental water-soluble fertilizers. The water-soluble fertilizer specified in this standard actually refers to water-soluble compound fertilizer or mixed fertilizer.

The characteristic of a large amount of elemental water-soluble fertilizer is that it quickly penetrates into the body through branches and leaves after spraying on crops, improving the crop's ability to transport nutrients, increasing nutrients in fruit leaves, and enhancing cell vitality and metabolism.

1. Promote germination, accelerate the growth of tea trees, fruit trees, vegetables and other crops, increase flower buds, promote germination, shorten the picking cycle, increase yield and improve quality. Melons, beans, sugar cane, mulberry trees, saplings, fruit seedlings and climbing crops grow faster.

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2. Green leaves strengthen branches and protect flowers and fruits. After use, the leaves turn tender green and the leaves are thick and bright. Spraying fruit trees, melons, beans and other crops before and after flowering can also prevent flower and fruit drop. It has significant flower and fruit preservation effect, and is also one of the main functions of large-element water-soluble fertilizers.

3. Large fruits, heavy grains, early maturing, high-yielding fruit trees, melons, beans and other crops. Spraying during the fruiting stage can increase the number of fruits and mature them in advance. Spraying grains during the heading and filling stages can make the heading neat and the weight significantly increased.

4. Post-disaster recovery, drought resistance, flood prevention and insect control. After a wind disaster, spraying can quickly restore growth and resist crop diseases and insect pests. When mixed with pesticides and sprayed, diseased plants can recover faster.
